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How to go from Schiphol airport to Amsterdam central?

Either if you make a stopover or you simply arrive to visit the city. We tell you how to go from Schiphol airport to Amsterdam central.

If you take a long flight that makes a stopover in Amsterdam, or you simply arrive to visit the city, you may ask yourself how to get to the city center quickly? in order to take advantage of the time. Here we tell you about how to use one of the best options that, without surprises, is the train to go from Schiphol airport to Amsterdam central.

When and where to buy train tickets?

Tickets can be purchased while you are waiting for your bag to arrive. That’s right, there are machines right in the baggage claim area. If there is a long line in those, don’t worry, there will be some outside too. If you don’t bring cash, don’t worry either, they accept several types of card (at least Visa and American Express sure do).

Ticket price 2nd class (one way): 5.50 euros to go from the airport to the central station of Amsterdam.

If you want to book a free tour through Amsterdam check here: FREE TOUR IN AMSTERDAM

Taking the train from Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam Central

When leaving the baggage area at Schiphol Airport, once you have passed customs, you have to be very attentive to the yellow signs. The direction of the Trains will always be indicated in them (with the consequent drawing). You have to follow it.

Note: you’re supposed to pass the tickets before getting on a checkout machine, I’ve never seen it.

When you arrive at the train area, you have to look at the screens to see which ones go to Amsterdam Centraal. Not all trains end there but they may have another city as their destination although they stop there, so they will say something like “via Amsterdam Central”. In this type of train you have to be even more attentive for obvious reasons, since it is not the terminal so if you miss the stop you will end up in another city 🙂 (but don’t worry, it is quite well advertised).

How long does the train take to get from Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam Centraal?

It takes ONLY 15 MINUTES. Wonderful for a layover if you spend a few hours at the airport.

Yellow with blue trains

Arriving at Amsterdam Central Station

Once at Amsterdam Centraal Station, where to go will depend on the hotel you are staying at. I, for example, went to the tram area but you can also take the metro and even the ferry. Or if the hotel is very close to the central station then you just have to walk and that’s it. To make a visit of a few hours, arriving at Centraal is a very good starting point.

Very important: have your train ticket at hand because to leave the station you have to pass it so that the door opens and you can leave. I wasn’t sure it would work since I didn’t scan it before I got on the train, but no problem 🙂

Do not worry if you do not bring cash, as for the trains, the metro or tram cards can be purchased with a card.

After this, the only thing left to do is enjoy the city 🙂 if you are doing a stopover, keep in mind that you have to return to the airport well in advance to go through security and other procedures that we already know.

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Olga Grijalva

Olga is a traveler and travel content creator with 17 years of experience. Her goal is to share useful information to help you plan your adventures. She has visited more than 40 countries and is excited to share her experience with you.